
Original Cyanotype on watercolour paper.

Fabriano 5 watercolour cotton rag paper:
320gsm / 100% Cotton Rag / Recycled / Acid Free / Medium Rough

This artwork takes inspiration from the goddess of new beginnings. Looking to the past and the future with two faces, it is a representation of self-reflection, transition, growth and time. A depiction of both public and private faces and in what means we choose to reveal them. The goddess of new beginnings is often associated with fresh starts, new opportunities, and the birth of
new ideas. There are many goddesses from various mythologies who embody this concept. Here are a
few examples:
1. Inanna - Inanna is an ancient Sumerian goddess of love, fertility, and war, but she is also associated with new beginnings. She is often depicted holding a caduceus, which represents transformation and new beginnings.
2. Eostre - Eostre is a Germanic goddess of spring, fertility, and new beginnings. She is associated with the vernal equinox and is often depicted with symbols of fertility, such as eggs and rabbits.
3. Ostara - Ostara is a pagan goddess of the spring equinox and the dawn. She represents new beginnings, growth, and fertility.
4. Persephone - In Greek mythology, Persephone is the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, and is associated with the changing of the seasons. She spends part of the year in the underworld with her husband Hades, and her return to the surface represents the beginning of spring and the renewal of life.

Musings Circling The Night was created by constructing a hand-cut collage using female photographic portraiture and body parts combined with hand-printed surface textures from planetary-like chemigrams. The chemigram paintings are created using typically feminine beauty products painted onto photographic film and paper and then exposed to light and chemical baths. The resulting images are galaxy-like swirling universes. After coating the handmade paper with light-sensitive chemistry, it is left to dry in a dark room. The large scale negative is then contact printed onto the paper by exposure to daylight (UV rays). The print is then processed by thoroughly washing in water to remove any unexposed solution. It can then be hung to dry, developing to full density Prussian blue after 24 hours.

Signed by the Artist.

'Own Art' Option Available - Contact the gallery for further information.

Shipping P.O.A. Subject to quotation and will be charged separately.


Height 77 cm / 30 12"
Width 55.5 cm / 22"