Carnabee - Framed

Carnabee - Framed


Conservation Framed with AR70 Glass.

The bustling heart of the city is encapsulated within the anatomical contours, pulsating with the life and energy of the vibrant metropolis. The iconic Truman tower salutes the East End's former brewing prosperity, an industrial sentinel amongst the pops of flora and fauna that dance around their throbbing oasis. Discover motifs and symbols of old London town, from the Penny Black stamp and original Hackney carriages, the favoured horses of Queen Elizabeth II; the first traffic lights of 1868 and the ubiquitous 19th Century tricycle. Culinary heritage is celebrated with homages to Twinings Tea and Billingsgate Fish Market, and the quirky original street names and depictions of Cockney slang bring the heart of London to life.

Giclée on Matt Smooth Fine Art Cotton 300 gsm.

ED. /195

Signed by the Artist.

'Own Art' Option Available - Contact the gallery for further information.

Shipping P.O.A. Subject to quotation and will be charged separately.


Height 30 cm / 12"
Width 30 cm / 12"